- Getting started on Miro ✅
- List of user actions (matrix) with tasks, feedback
- Kelsey start making sense of the mindmap in her own way
- A user-centric view
- how it currently works, and map it to the mind map
- Writing the messages / mockups
- Testing with prototype
- Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/ZVLHhYdxQmKGgduRfOTMff/Mailvelope?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=9%3A18&viewport=241%2C48%2C0.15&scaling=scale-down-width&starting-point-node-id=9%3A18&hide-ui=1
- Testing Script
- Intro: Kelsey from Simply Secure. Working on a new feature. We have 2 tasks to complete today. I'll be watching and asking questions to understand how to improve the design. We want it to be easy to use. We are testing the software, not you. You will see a mockup of Gmail. This is not real - it's not your email. Do you have any questions?
- Warm-up: Do you use Mailvelope?
- Scenario: You are using Mailvelope for Gmail. You receive an email from your acquaintance Maria.
- Task 1: Open email from Maria. Situation: Maria is using a new key
- What do you see here?
- Why do you think that's there?
- What can you do here?
- What do you want to do next? Why?
- What do you think will happen?
- Task 2: Compose an email to Maria. Situation: Maria has multiple keys
- What do you see here?
- What are you wondering?
- Why do you think that's there?
- What do you want to do next? Why?
- Thank you!
- Outreach
- platforms/channels
- Simply Secure internal team
- Simply Secure general channel
- Does Thomas have someone that would be good?
- Mailvelope Business (subscription model) - we prioritize this feedback
- Github issues
- Past initiatives with Internews to collect feedback (2016-2019)
- Message
- Calendly: https://calendly.com/kelseysimplysecure/mailvelope-testing
- Synthesizing results
- Collaboration with devs to stay in scope (what's technically feasible)
- Delivering the final designs https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l0OrWNCDW4EQgcNxEBCBo6az4yLcNO6SB5Ycdf8Xl-E/edit?usp=sharing
Do you use Mailvelope and/or are you familiar with PGP encryption for email?
We'd like your help!
I'm Kelsey, a UX designer at Simply Secure. We are helping Mailvelope design a new feature and we'd like your help to test it out. We'd like to speak with you for 10-20min and have you try it. Thank you!
Who can be a tester?
People who use Mailvelope and/or are familiar with PGP email encryption
What is Mailvelope?
Mailvelope is a browser extension that makes using PGP easier.
Do I need to prepare?
No, you just need to show up.
Is this private?
Of course. We will not be recording voice or video. We will be taking brief notes about what works and what doesn't in the design so that we can make improvements. We will not share your identity with anyone.